Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Day 7: Favorite Childhood Toys

Growing up in a house of three girls, there was one type of toy that seriously overwhelmed our house. And I know I'm not original when I say it. We were a Barbie household. For every Lego piece I've stepped on so far, I know my parents have stepped on fifty times as many Barbie shoes wedged in the fibers of our carpet. Their Christmas mornings were spent trying to find and untie all fifty wires Mattel deemed necessary to package one individual Barbie (and her "functioning" boombox of course). Our neighbors across the street had four girls, their youngest around the age of my older sister, and they were happy to give us their crap hand down their boxes full of Barbies, dresses, MORE SHOES and every single excess accessory they could find. I thought it was the best. thing. ever.

I don't remember when we gave all of our Barbies away, or who we gave them to. Childhood is like that I guess. For years, your world revolves around something. I ate, drank, and slept Barbie. But eventually there were days the Barbie box stayed under the bed. Then the box stayed under the bed so long, it started to collect dust. And one day, my parents decided it was time to cut Barbie loose, and they gave my once prized collection away to someone. And I didn't even notice.

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